Why should I get the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine: For anyone and everyone

Vaccines work best before an individual is exposed to a virus, which is why the HPV vaccine is recommended earlier rather than later. Whether you are or are not sexually active, the HPV vaccine is safe and effective in preventing HPV and HPV-related cancers. Getting the HPV vaccine now protects you and future partners, too.

HPV: It doesn’t discriminate!

All genders, races, and ethnicities are at risk for HPV. Most people do not know they are infected with HPV because they usually don’t show any symptoms. Protecting yourself with the HPV vaccine ultimately means protecting others too. Get vaccinated!

Injection equals protection

With just a few shots of the HPV vaccine, you give yourself more protection against genital warts and cancers, such as cervical cancer and cancer of the penis, for the rest of your life. Your future self with thank you for taking the time to get vaccinated now!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I still benefit from the HPV vaccine if I’m sexually active? What if I’m not sexually active?
A. The HPV vaccine provides protection benefits for all genders regardless of sexual activity. It is unlikely an individual would have been exposed to all HPV types, so the vaccine would still give protection. Getting the HPV vaccine before becoming sexually active maximizes protection before getting exposed to any HPV types.

Q. Do women who have been vaccinated still need cervical cancer screening?
A. Women should still get screened for cervical cancer after getting the HPV vaccine. Although the HPV vaccine covers the majority of the HPV subtypes that cause cervical cancer, it does not cover all types. We encourage all individuals to continue attending their annual wellness exams.

Q. Can I get tested for HPV?
A. There is currently not a way to test for HPV among males. Females can be tested for HPV during pap smears or cervical cancer screening tests.

Q. Does the HPV vaccine cause infertility?
A. There has been no evidence to suggest that the HPV vaccine causes infertility among any gender. Treatment of cervical cancer may make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.